Caring for Canterbury

This is the front cover of the local paper.

I'm overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of people up here. I wept when I read all the things that local businesses, schools and individuals are offering and doing to help the people of Canterbury.

It is truly humbling.

My morning was swallowed sorting a haircut (my usual in Christchurch no longer exists and I'm hoping my hairdresser and staff are ok), and a trip to my banking consultant. Yes, there might be a sign in the fact I have a banking consultant at the other end of the country. It was good to see her.

I accompanied Mum and Dad to the local Anglican church. Our Prime Minister requested a nationwide 2 minutes silence at 12:51PM, the time of last week's earthquake. I hadn' anticipated the outpouring of grief I'd experience as we sat in the church.

It was peaceful and I appreciated the symbolism of lighting 2 candles, one for my missing friend and another for his family and my close friends, including his fiance, who are in pain.

And life goes on; jobs and helping here, sourcing things I'll need to take back with me and a 1 1/2 hour sleep this afternoon.

Take heart fellow Cantabrians, the outpouring of love, concern and practical assistance I'm witnessing here is repeated in communities around the country.

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