Senior Moments

By seniormoments


I love this door and the flowers surrounding it. It says, "Welcome". We just visited my childhood best friend, her husband, and her mom, and they welcomed us into their home. We once shared an idyllic childhood of sleepovers, birthday parties, camping trips and family get togethers. We've been friends for over fifty years. We have celebrated the birth of our children, toasted their marriages and cried over divorce. We've consoled each other through the loss of three parents, and rejoiced in the births of her three grandchildren. We don't see each other often, but when we do, we never lack for conversation. Laughing about our goofiness as kids, reliving those endless summer days roaming around the neighborhood, or catching up on long ago friends, it's always fun to see one another. There is nothing like an old friend who welcomes you into her home!

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