While on my runs

By waipushrink

Auckland City ...

... from underneath the trig station. (Perhaps this is pushing the limits of what meets the challenge.)

Today I was post dawn in leaving home to run to the top of Maungawhau. When I got there, the city below was bathed in early morning golden sunshine, especially the Sky Tower and the Harbour Bridge. I got myself underneath the trig station (easy enough to do; just walked in there!) and stood directly over the surveyor's mark to take this picture.

I had to orientate it as best I could through the structure in front of me, and could not move to get a different angle. It was not possible to get a wider view (including more to the east) without losing the bridge.

I thought of cropping it to shift the horizon away from the middle of the picture; also had a second shot where the horizon was lower. Decided that I like this one even if not what is recommended.

Note that the dark trees in the foreground are on the lower slopes of Maungawhau.

Busy the rest of the day with family matters, and greatly enjoyed a visit from the two Auckland based grandsons. Could have taken a photo of the youngest of my four mokopuna (grandchildren) with his head underneath the daybed playing on Granny's iPhone. Only thought of it now three hours later!

As are many others, I am stunned by the tsunami which has devastated Japan. To cope with such a huge earthquake with relatively minor damage, only to be inundated and washed away by the water, seems grossly unfair. These events do seem to be creating closeness between nations.

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