Corrugated church (Brechin)

After a slow start and a visit to the Brechin dump taking some of Mandy's mum's junk, we headed for home via the horrible retail park on the Kingsway so that the bairns could agonise over what kind of shite they would spend their £10 on at Toysaurus. Before that we went to PC World to buy a new laptop for Mandy's work. A PC, so not much of interest but it does mean that the business will pay me the money in return for the insurance vouchers that I bought the laptop with, which saves me the agony of trying to want something that PC World sells.

Then it was on to the canoe shop in Perth to leave Mandy's dry suit for repair. She ripped it falling out of the canoe and it doesn't really do the job of being a "dry" suit if it's got a hole in it. It'll be warm enough to take the canoes out soon. Popped into the big Tiso in Perth in case there was anything interesting for future camping trips. Nah. And an underwhelming 'outdoor experience'.

If you've been following the Pennywell series - I've posted one for yesterday.

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