Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Japan, our thoughts are with you ...

Inspired by Alamarian's blip yesterday and considering the extent to which Japan has effected our lives, I decided to dedicate my blip to Japan and its people. The devastation has been too much and many lives have been lost. Japan needs our support and we are there to give it in any form and way we can.

My personal Links with Japan and its people goes back probably to the time when I was born. My uncle (father's brother) started working for Mitsubishi Corp Pakistan the year I was born and he is still there now as a GM and about to retire. One of my mom's cousin married a Japanese lady named Osako (I hope my spellings are correct), who gave this bottle to my mother. My dad drives a Mitsubishi Lancer and how can I forget my beloved Nikon?

The List goes on and on ...

Japan, its people and their products have become an integral part of our lives and we must be with them in times of need. May God bless them and help them with a speedy recovery ... Amen!!

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