
By SueScape

Castle Aaaaaargh

This is Castle Aaaaaaaaargh! which appeared in the Monty Python's Holy Grail, filmed in 1975.


There! Look!

What does it say? What language is that?

Brother Maynard, you're our scholar.

It is Aramaic!

Of course. Joseph of Arimathea!

Of course.

What does it say?

It reads, "Here may be found the last words of Joseph of Arimathea:

"'He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the Castle of Aaargh."'


"The Castle of Aaargh."

What is that?

He must have died while carving it.

Come on!

That's what it says.

Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't bother to carve "Aaargh." He'd just say it.

That's what's carved in the rock.

Perhaps he was dictating it.

Shut up!

Does it say anything else?

No! Just "Aaargh."


Locals know it better as Castle Stalker - in the Gaelic, Stalcaire, meaning Hunter or Falconer. It was built around 1320 for the MacDougalls when they were Lords of Lorn. Round about 1388 the Lordship of Lorn passed to the Stewarts, along with Castle Stalker and other lands.

On the hill above the castle is a very nice tearoom of the same name, not to be missed, with stunning views, 5 stars:)

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