
By RustyKlicker

Are you happy at your work?

Following on a little from yesterdays serious thinking and analysis of our busy lives, I caught this guy enjoying himself on my job. How dare he!!

No really, this is one of the things that makes construction bearable for me, the 'craic' (Craic or crack is a term for fun, entertainment, and enjoyable conversation, particularly prominent in Ireland with the men), but you already knew that.

I have always tried to run my sites and now my own business in the same way, try to enjoy it while working hard at the same time. It is your work after all and as you have to do it almost every day, you damn well better at least try to enjoy it.

In my position as a business owner, (previously senior manager, corporate) I can influence how this works out. If I can always have a smile on my face and make a joke, even if there are serious problems, then things always seem to get done quicker or better.

Construction, probably similar to other industries, has lots of problems that happen every day, but nobody comes to their work to deliberately make a mistake. So why to we continually look to point the finger and create blame cultures in the workplace?

The old adage is to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, and there are many variations on this theme, but the message is the same.

Even in these difficult times its still possible to have the 'Craic' and by your own approach, influence the mood and enjoyment of others.

Does that all make sense?

p.s. does the picture qualify as a portrait?

p.p.s. he is a big smiley Polish roughcaster, if any of the ladies are interested.

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