The Angus Inn

By angus_inn

Kia Ora - Waitangi Day today so a public holiday in NZ. It was on 6th February 1840 that the Maori chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi with the British Crown that meant peace (eventually!) but the reality seems to be that the Maori were a bit shafted by the whole thing, not that I know enough to really say! There was the usual protest at the Treaty House at Waitangi today but all very peaceful. Waitangi is up in Northland at the top of the North Island and is just across the bay from Russell which was New Zealand's first capital.

We went to the celebrations at Waitangi Park in Wellington and experienced the usual dull speeches and some good music from Maori, Pacific Island and Chinese artists.

I blipped this on the way back - it's the view across to the CBD from the marina of the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club. You can also see the outstanding Te Papa museum on the left just behind the boat that's getting a clean/paint.

Back to work again tomorrow - bugger....

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