
By ausmossie


Well.. It's Chinese New Year's Eve. One thing I will say about the Chinese... they LOVE their fireworks. There have been fireworks going off since about 6:00 this morning. It has been continuous. There was a little lull around dinner time when people were all inside eating the traditional meal of dumplings but since then, it has only intensified. It will probabaly go into a lull now while they are playing Mahjong (I have been informed the CHINESE is actually majiang). But then it will be on for young and old.. and younger and older.

Last year the guards let us go onto the roof of the building next door and it was absoluuuuutely amazing. The entire city skyline was lit up for over and hour. It is almost impossible to comprehend unless you see it.

This is about as good as I will get I think. I have been out twice and may go out again.. but its bloody cold. I will try a few shots from differewnt windows around the building and that MAY work but part of the problem now is that there is so much smoke in the air, its hard to get decent pics.

I have no idea what this does to the environment and while I DO CARE.. its Chinese New Year.. IN CHINA!!!

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