Capital adventures

By marchmont


soft furnishings - ah the nesting instinct. Today I focussed on curtains. I did have an early morning swim at Warrender, braving the haar, and then home to put up the 'modesty screen' in the bathroom and continue with the bedroom curtain. It's light well before 7 now and that gets the seagulls going - they can screech. The curtain won't stop the gulls but it will block out the light.

Despite my careful measuring I got distracted thinking of other things, like accounts, after Mari's call and cut one piece of lining too short - there is a fix though.

Not being out the blip is the 3 metres of material piled up waiting to be sewn. Saturday before I get to that.

Sang this evening - makes the spirit soar. soaring is good - just like the gulls.

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