Mice Naps

By kimsim

Comic Relief

With no shortage of excellent Red Nose Day Blips I reckon there's no need to explain that it's RND 2011!

Am sure there are plenty of people who have done something funny for money and have been watching the night of comedy, interjected with harrowing films highlighting the reason we do this every other March.

However it seems there is at least one person in the UK who is not.

Tonight I read someone's blog about why they hate Comic Relief. It kinda made me sad. Any charity can come under the spotlight of cynicism, it's expected, especially when it comes to the celebrity endorsed ones and more so the telethons. It would be naive to think the nation would be unanimous in their support of every cause, agreeing on how the money is raised and spent.

However, I don't think anyone can deny how much charities like Comic Relief do and it's not just about the money. It's also raising awareness of the issues they are trying to conquer at home and in Africa. It's about making you think. Realising the extent of the plight people, especially children, are facing and problems that may be happening on or very near your doorstep.

The esteemed Blogger complained that Comic Relief has done a poor job at raising money. Who can knock the nearing £1billion total since it started? Can there ever be enough money raised for any charity anyway?

Tonight Comic Relief has raised almost £75million. That is incredible! Surely it also puts pay to the Blogger's argument that Comic Relief does not encourage people to give to charity. Anyone who has watched a film where a seriously ill child has needlessly died in Africa or a husband struggles to cope with caring for his elderly wife who suffers from dementia will not only be reduced to tears, but will also be very willing to put their hand in their pocket.

Giving to charity is voluntary, which makes any amount raised amazing. We can be proud of the difference our donations make to life of others. And long may Comic Relief encourage us to do so.

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