And the Lord spake unto the cranes ...

A day at home working so that I could go to the school and see Ewan's teacher for a 'parent interview'. Jesus. That's all I'm saying. Just Jeezuss. And not in a good way.

A good working day. I actually sat on my corner of the sofa with three computers and worked all day. Didn't stop even for lunch. Just tap, tap, tapped all day getting things done (with a wee bit of Facebook and Blipfoto and the Guardian but less than a normal day, honest). Didn't head out for a photo until nearly six and then just headed along to the harbour and the boat that keeps on giving. But it'll keep. As I was sitting at the edge of the harbour mouth with the welding glass out doing something like this only with more going on in the sky, I spotted the clouds opening up right above the cranes and, well, that's not going to happen too often. The boat was looking lovely but it'll still be there another day.

Anyway. Back to work. You know those days (too rare) that you do something and think, "fuck me but this is good" and it stops being work for a while. I'm there.

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