Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The Moon is There

"I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it."

- Albert Einstein

I have a feeling I might have used this quote already on here, but I wanted to use it regardless, because this Moon seemed to be there for an inordinately long time today - hardly even moving. It was in the sky when I was walking to the train station in the morning, when I took this. An hour later when I got to work it was in the sky - and looked to be about the same place in the sky. Another hour later when I headed out on home visits it was still there.

Kind of weird, I thought; I expected it to dip below the horizon much more quickly.

Anyhow, I liked this because ... it's the Moon, so I'm bound to like it 8) but also because of the varied greens and leaf shapes of the trees beneath it, and the lovely clear blue of the sky.

I tweaked it slightly (darkening highlights a bit) to show more detail on the Moon, and cropped it a little top and bottom, but otherwise it's as taken.

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