Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Bath Waters

Well, almost a week later, I am starting to recover from my full-time week at work. I felt fairly shocking this morning, and, I'm afraid had a bit of a rant at the Wonderspouse about the unfairness of it all (he did agree with me though), then came home and decided to make an effort to get the clocks sorted if nothing else (upstairs and downstairs have been in different time zones for nearly a week now too)!

After a fairly successful morning's admin, and a very pleasant discovery (royalties from "The Book" have arrived in my bank account, so bankruptcy is avoided yet again, by the skins of our teeth, for another month), I ate a healthyish lunch of pesto pasta, a banana and a tin of mandarin oranges, which is an improvement from the rest of the week.

I have also made the decision to approach the school (it'll be next week now) and ask whether they would consider me working part-time, gradually building from 2 up to 3 days a week. I don't know whether they will go for it, but it's worth a try. If they say no, then I'll deal with that situation when it gets there.

I've also opened my maths books and started a bit of tentative reading and note-taking, and I shall pick up my viola for a little scrape before the Wonderspouse gets home this evening bearing fish and chips for supper!

The picture is of a sign I fixed onto the tiles above the bath with blu-tac. It's actually an A4 photocopy of a postcard (bought in Bath, when I was on holiday there about 10 years ago) which I've laminated so it doesn't mind getting wet. I couldn't possibly tell you what happened to the original postcard, and it would probably be quicker to drive to Bath and get a new one than it would to find it among all the junk in our house, but the laminated copy is a permanent reminder.

Just in case you can't read it, it says:

The Most Sovereign Restorative
Wonderful and most EXCELLENT
agaynst all diseases of the body
proceeding of a MOIST CAUSE as Rhumes,
Agues, Lethargies, Apoplexies, The Scratch,
Inflammation of the Fits, hectic flushes,
Pockes, deafness, forgetfulness, shakings and
WEAKNESS of any Member
Approved by authoritie,
confirmed by Reason and daily tryed
by experience.

I often lie in the bath wondering whether I'm preventing myself from getting "The Scratch", pondering the ailment that is called "hectic flushes", and hoping that "forgetfulness" will not beset me. Furthermore, I sincerely hope that I will never suffer from "WEAKNESS of any Member"!!!!!

Today I treated myself to an afternoon bath. Maybe the warm soapy waters will carry restorative properties that will enable me to get out into the world again and continue with the life-building, albeit on a slightly reduced scale from that originally planned. I'm certainly nice and clean anyway! :-)

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