secret garden

By freespiral

Springing forth ...

Happy April Fool's Day - luckily I've been at home all day today so nothing untoward was tried on me. I am ridiculously gullible and fall for everything.

The surprise party last night was a big surprise to the recipient. He had no idea and was quite over-whelmed - a big macho chap with big fat tears rolling down his cheeks. We left pretty early but I suspect it went on into the small hours .

I think life has caught up with me today and I have a massive headache - maybe it's the weather. April has started with strong winds, drizzle and mist. Lack of oomph and inspiration meant a quick trip down to the polytunnel where everything is bursting forth. This is (one) of my little growing areas - seed trays can be spotted in most rooms in the house as well - and contains sunflowers, beetroot, sweet peas, real peas, the odd broad bean a bit of spinach and morning glory (thank you Serpentine :). It's nearly time for the monthly view of the whole polytunnel too.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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