Blue feet

I have so much I would love to write, but I cannot. Those who are truly my friends and family have offered me so much support. I appreciate you all.

I know this is my journal, but I will not discuss the specific details here publicly.

Just know that I am honest, I am forthright and I'm not a chicken shit. I stand up for what I believe in, and that includes my own self. I would never lie or deceive. I would never hurt others intentionally.

I create photography ultimately for my family. My husband sees every image I take. He watches me edit. He knows what is true. I am thankful for family.

karma [kahr-muh] - noun, Hinduism, Buddhism . action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.

I spent the early evening watching my little ones peruse my Dragonology and Fairyology books. These feet are just barely lit by the light of the fading day as he intently eyes and touches all the pages of the books.

P.S. So glad "someone" is back. :) We all missed you!

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