horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Coming in to land

Well, as sort of expected, the rainy weather put off my walking companions. In truth at the time the driving rain was somewhat harsh, but faith was put in the weather forecast and I hopped on the bus to Balerno myself. Just as the bus crossed the city bypass the sun suddenly appeared and the faith was repaid. Hurrah!

Walking companions met in a Leith pub instead after collecting Mel from work, followed by dinner in Chop Chop.

So really, not that bad a day all in all. Of course I've managed virtually nothing on the cycling website, and the legs are likely to be knackered tomorrow when I've got a huge bag of stones being delivered for the front garden which I've rashly promised to 'garden intensively'.

Ah well. At least the pork pies last night really worked. :)

Buzzard take-off (it was one of those days when most things took off just as I got them in the viewfinder - which meant that this Buzzard was just the blurred side of being a Blip reject).
Peacock Butterfly
Sunny Chiffchaff

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