
By tookie

Reorganizing Work Room

Maritn is reorganizing the computer room and my work station for photographs, camera stuff etc. It was jam packed with boxes and boxes of unsorted paper, things from my parents, frames, tons of photos, negatives clothes, dishes and on and on. This collage is showing the beginnings of light at the end of the tunnel. When all done I'll reblip and should have blipped it at the earliest stages but did not. Believe it or not this here is really the room coming along very very well!!! I am so pleased with all the effort he has put into this. I know he is frustrated with how much stuff I'm still refusing to let go of. But we have taken lots to be recycled so that is great:) Happy Hump Day form under the JUNK!!! Martin here is holding a box with a kilt he got when we visited Scotland in 1998!

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