Tree Planting day

Today we planted 1200 citrus seedlings in nine primary schools in Mzuzu City, in part to help the Environment, but mainly to create awareness of the benifits of the vitamin C content of the fruits and their value in a healthy diet and in helping the immune system.
Pictured at the front with his hands praying for the heavy rain to stop!, is the representative of the Environmental department in the City Assembly, beside him the head teacher of Chingambo primary school, on the right, looking drenched, is Anna Sichinga, Northern regional school's inspector, Alinipher and myself are planting our tree by hand, together with a few of the school's 1600 students or learners as they are called.
This whole project was planned and delivered by Harisen and Charity, with the rest of the team, having charmed themselves through the multitude challenges of everyday Malawi.
The press and television arrived in force for, what some considered, a big day for the Environment in Mzuzu.
Well done guys

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