
By Amalarian


This feral tom cat usually comes for a handout late at night. He has been missing for several nights, a great saving on cat food, but he appeared this morning, wary and nervy, with constant glances to the roof one jump up. He has a wound in his neck so, at a guess, he has been in the tom cat wars.

This picture was taken through the window. I only got one other shot, a profile showing the wound, but prefer this one where he is trying to see into the room to find out if Cloud was there. She wasn't. If she had been there would have been a stand-off with Cloud off her rocker with fury and the cat hissing back, both safe with glass between them.

This is not the planned shot but with things to do re guests I was not going to pass up the opportunity. I did a similar shot some time back but it was of a female, more wide eyed than this guy. I have used all advice about unsharp mask this time. I hope I got it right.

For the record: + 20 C. Hazy. Humidity 94%

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