
By blowfish


not having it this morning. but what else is new, eh? so what do I do when I'm feeling blue (poet, didn't know it, etc.)? go to the used book store, of course. interestingly, I didn't spend any money since doing so would have just further perpetuated the grayskyfeelings anyhow.

right next door to the book shop is the big box pet store. for some reason they had a shitload of guinea pigs. these guys always make me smile--had them growing up. velvetfloppy little ears, vocals that both squeak and purr depending on their mood (I do this, too, though I suppose, to some extent). enjoyed the saltwater tanks too--had these after i was growing up. but the bird, Burt, he was gone. he nibbled at me once when i got to hold him. apparently its a sign of exploratory affection. that is something we all feel being played out upon us, though, isn't it? rhetoric.


later but from earlier, really: higher order thinking. quality enhancement plan. well that's good that you enjoy it because last time I checked you weren't exactly losing at life there. spoonfuls of silver, like a snake eating itself, its own hind quarters. so, then, i guess you could say that the thing that ended up biting it in the ass was itself.

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