Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom

Making the most of the beautiful weather, I've had a morning picnic with Sami and an afternoon walk to the pub with Mum.

For the Grand National, 5 minutes before the race started I picked my horse as Niche Market. I then thought if I'm naming a horse, I might as well put some money on it. So, with very little time, I attempted to create an account with betfred, link up my paypal, deposit money, and then place the bet. I wasn't quite quick enough, and the race began before I managed to put on a bet. I then had the 10 most nervous minutes of my life as Niche Market crept from 4th to 3rd to 2nd, before creeping into first! At this point I was stressing because I would be up £100 if I had managed to get the bet in on time, so I was willing the horse to fall. Luckily, he did crap in he last few jumps and ended up 5th.

BIG RELIEF. Unfortunately now I have £5 in a betfred account that I need to spend... think I'll put some money on the grand prix tomorrow

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