The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Nest tree

Along the road towards Dundee is a little village that one of my brothers used to live in. This tree has been growing there since he did. Over the years it has gathered quite a collection of these nests. I would love to be able to tell you what kind of birds are inhabiting the tree, but alas I can't. It is just a striking sight when you drive into the village.

Some bad news, the day off I have been girding my loins for tomorrow, is not to be. Yet another colleague is off ill. Another extra shift, but this will be the last for a while.
The reason is that our Leader has given an unadvertised job, using some hours from our staff who have cut their hours, to one of her own. My colleagues who struggle to cope with having few contracted hours, but are expected to fill in at the drop of a hat.

I expect there will be a few spaces to watch.

At least I will be out of it after Friday for a whole week off. Bliss!
And no, I won't be answering the phone.

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