Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

This made my day... :)

Today has been so busy! Got up pretty early, went to the bank, paid my holiday, got some euros and went to my friend's. This was all before I even thought about going to uni.

Got to uni about 12.45 for my class at 1. After class we had a quick group meeting, before meeting with my tutor to talk about said project. I then had coffee with my friends before my 4-5.30 lecture, after which I went to the library. On my way out of the library I bumped into the very lovely ColinParte. Sadly I was in a rush, and we didn't have a chance to have a proper chat. It was however, just lovely to meet him. :) But as we said, it was inevitable that we'd meet eventually, as we're always around the same area. :)

By the time I got home, it was after 7, so I had dinner, and got down to sending some uni related e-malls while watching the Utd Vs. Chelsea game. Needless to say I was very happy with the result. It's been a busy, but very productive day. :)


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