Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

I Ponced!

I was going to ponce in a SP, but being whacked in the face by a dog today has left me with a rather unslightly bump and bruise on my nose, and I felt a bit too self conscious to "Ponce" looking like I'd been in a scrap, (A middle class one at that though!).

So I ponced down to Stirling Brig on the way home, and ponced about taking nice poncy shots of "new and old", "light and dark", and various other arty and poncy middle class aspirational juxtapositions.

Actually, I left work, went to Tesco, thought "Shi*t, I've no Blip for today and it's number 99........oh look, pretty trees, oh and cool mist behind Wallace.......quick back round the roundabout, back down to the Brig, abandon the car with the lights on........damn the battery in the camera is nearly flat.........oh and there are f**ing lamps in the way...........oh ok, I can get a decent shot from here...........damn, light is fading..........damn camera won't focus..........damn, hubby will kill me if I'm late again and blame Blip....he'll start accusing me of having another man shortly....(as if! I'm far too busy Blipping and working for that!)......oh, ok, that one will do, right back to the car and home!

Going to try and make Edinburgh tomorrow, for a "Proper" ponce!

Oh, and still very sad about the children being killed in Libya, but not as blue today. I guess life goes on. I just can't imagine how hard it must be, and wish all this damn killing in the name of religion/money/power/land would cease.

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