Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Poncing in Spirit - a Centenary study.

OH Woe is me!

I was really looking forward to the Blip Flashmob today, had looked out my best middle-class headscarf and hat, and was all set.

Then, disaster!

8am this morning had the most severe stomach cramps I have ever had in my life, resulting in a doctors visit and me spending the day spaced out on Tramadol in bed.

So sorry guys, couldn't bring the body to be with you, and was so looking forward to the badge to signify my membership of the "Gormless Goat" Club.
(Any chance of a Get-Well-Soon card with one attached? )

So I had no option but to post
a) the hundredth blip
b) the obligatory self portrait
c) ponce in bed to be with you all in spirit!

I am jealous of the self congratulations and ego-massaging that must have gone on.

Feel suitably free to post tributes and ego-massaging comments below.

Thanks Blippers, here's to the next 100!

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