beauty of the nature

By Hadi

Men at work!

damn it's so slow, i've been trying to upload this for hours.
i can't wait get my ADSL activated.
@Mehdi please get me the modem sooner.

anyway, i saw this gentleman working in his farm he was planting trees. his farm is so close to the mountain, so it was n't a flat field actually.
he was far from where we were, but i thought i'd go over there and talk to him and maybe take some photos.
he stopped working when he saw me. we talked, he thought i'm stranger around there so he started telling me about the good places around there for photography. i think people are friendlier when they think you're a stranger! but as we talked it turned out he does n't live far from where i live and he knew my father.
i asked him if i could take some photos, he kindly accepted and took his stick and i captured some photos of him while working and different poses.

this would be another addition to my stranger portrait series.

thank you for all the congratulations on my win.

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