Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Evening Blush

When the day leaves in a lovely burst of blush, it seems to soften all the hard edges. That's what happened here this evening.

After "playing" in the sheds this afternoon, we were finishing a very late dinner, when the sky began to steal my attention. We were watching "60 Minutes," a favorite Sunday night program on television, but my attention was being hijacked to the entertainment in the sky. I know that if I don't watch carefully, the clouds quickly turn from beautiful shades of pink to ash gray.

This has been a lovely Palm Sunday. The children did a wonderful mini-program in big church and everyone loved it. Then after worship everyone stayed for a potluck lunch and the kids had an egg hunt. Then we headed home to let the pups out of their crates and have a cool afternoon snack.

The temps were fairly warm again today, so as soon as the afternoon started cooling we opened the house and starting hauling more things to the sheds. Most of what I am putting in my shed has been stored in closets and under beds. Most of what he is putting in his has been stored in the garage. I've walked up and down the stairs many times again today, so I am now very tired and really sleepy.

We also plan to store food and water for emergencies in one of the sheds and I'm feeling good about that. We're hearing lots more about earthquake preparedness and needing to be ready.

This evening the weather is changing and I am thankful. I'm not yet ready for the heat of summer. Tomorrow spring break officially ends. So it is eight weeks until the semester concludes and graduation is celebrated June 9th at the campus where I teach.

I appreciate all the kind remarks on yesterday's page about our friend George who is dying. We hope to see him again tomorrow.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

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