A small sign....

that spring is really and truly on it's way! There are a few crocus opening up around the base of the Rowen tree in the front yard, green shoots that i knew will be lilies and of course daffodils .... but off to back of the garden, unseen almost, is this little clump of snowdrops!

spent a chunk of time reorganizing the space in the studio....i always seem to need to do this when i recognize that time is now of the essence....orders due, a show at the studio on mother's day to promote and get ready for, and all the other stuff that goes on around here......it's not a stressful timetable, but a necessary check in time!!! scheduled kiln firings are now noted on a calender, and it feels very doable in a good and relaxed manner! but i do have to stick to my schedule!!!

There is an amazing moon rising out in front of my window.....so round and huge....it must be either full or almost....cloudless and brilliant!

Good night from Cape Breton Island!

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