
By BernardYoung

Don't You Want Me


If you want to be the one
who says the time has come
then that is fine

If you want to be the one
who says that we are done
then that is fine

If you want to be the one
to break a man in two
then that's just something
that you've got to do

So that's fine, fine, fine, fine

If you want to be the one
to take a loaded gun
then that is fine

Hold it to his head
pull the trigger and he's dead
then that is fine

If you want to be the one
to put a bullet in his brain
you won't ever have to
see that man again

So that's fine, fine, fine, fine

He's got the blues and he brings you down
You don't want someone like that around
So that's fine, fine, fine, fine

If you want to be the one
who says you've got to run
then that is fine

If you want to be the one
who says that we are done
then that is fine

And if you want to be the liar
and you want to be the cheat
it's your guilty conscience
that you'll have to meet

So that's fine, fine, fine, fine

gone gone gone

Lyrics (this is a song) copyright Bernard Young 2011

This is the right hand side of the gig song list featured yesterday.

My next blip will be my 300th. As I'll be out all day on Thursday I'll give it a miss and post on Friday (Good Friday, in fact). As yet I've no idea what to photograph or what I'll say.

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