creative lenna

By creativelenna

enjoy your weekend . . .

Our sweet dog Asia already has a head start on you!
Can you imagine, she is 9 years old already?? She has the most expressive puppy-like face (still) at times, although she does look her age here. She's resting after running around the pool like a pup.

Thanks very much for all your visits and kind comments. I do understand when you are too busy and can't comment. I'll still be here, comments or not! I'm addicted you see, but it's a good thing. I believe I'm becoming a better photographer because of all the photos I'm taking. I am so enjoying being creative this way. It is refreshing and awakening.

Huge thanks again to Frieda - Art Quilter for leading me here to blipfoto. My very best wishes to her for a smashing success on the opening of her solo quilt exhibition tomorrow!!! You can see it yourself from 23rd April - 28th May 2011 at the Tweeddale Museum & Gallery in Peebles, Scotland! She is a fabulous art quilter in every sense of the word and an awesome friend to me. We have so much in common, regardless that she lives in Scotland and I am in the USA and we have yet to meet in person. One day soon!

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