Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday tooo yooou .

Happy birthday dear Dad ... happy birthday toooo yoooooou!

I'd like you to meet my dad ... he's the very soul of our family. I gave him the name of dad at the tender age of 18 ... we'd had a rocky road and i'm sure on many occasion I stomped and pledged 'you're not my dad' I was really a rather mean teen! But since falling pregnant with big K at just 18 he stood by me, has guided me & at times said things to me that I really didn't want to hear, but he's my dad and sometimes someone needs to step up and tell you when no one else will & that's something he's never been afraid of doing! He's been my rock when others neglected their role & has never treated me any differently to my siblings despite being tested & tested some more ... I guess I needed to make sure he wouldn't neglect me & he passed with flying colours! He's someone I aspire by, he's hard working, stands by his morals and most of all loves his children with a passion, sometimes to the detriment of himself, but he wont be told! He's really rather great!

Anyway enough of that ... After a busy weekend I'm now sat chilling with a glass of vino ... my boy's home, little K's in bed and Miss F ... well I wont even go there, but we're paying for a very late afternoon nap!

Unfortunately big K's team didn't bring home the cup ... but what an experience he's had!

Night y'all x

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