Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup


For a Piscean all this decision making is very stressful! It is a beautiful sunny day and I have lots of colourful pretty photos, but instead I've decided to let you see this one.

One of my lovely sons gave me this handsome bird box for my birthday last year - as well as looking mighty fine it has a camera in it and the contents of the box can be seen and heard on a TV - what a great present! Last year my delight at seeing a pair of bluetits bringing moss and other nesting materials into the box turned to disappointment when they disappeared and never came back.

Last week, much to my delight again, bluetits returned, but now I am confused because they appear to be removing the nesting material and dropping it on the ground outside! They are fun to watch because they peck around the floor of the box, do something like burrowing down, head first, into the remaining nesting materials with their wings outspread before picking up a piece of moss or straw and popping out of the box! I wonder if this is normal behaviour and what is going on.

My admiration for all you blippers who take wonderful photos of birds has grown enormously as I have spent quite a while trying to get a photo of the birds on the outside of the box today! Here it is!

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