Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

Introducing the High Pond

Another cloudless day and lots of photos to choose from. There is one of Lady's Mantle leaves with drops of water at the end of each vein which was hard to pass on, but I wanted to introduce you to the High Pond.

It is a magical place, usually very tranquil, with so much to see and hear. There is rarely anyone else there so it is a wonderful haven. After spending about 20 minutes taking lots of photos and trying out different aspects of the camera two other people did appear. However, when we met each other, I warmed to them as he was looking for nuthatches through his binoculars and carrying a camera with a big lens and gave me lots of information. The most exciting thing was that the maniacal bird call that I have been trying to place for ages is not one of the recently identified (by me) dabchicks or moorhens as I perhaps thought, but a greenwoodpecker. I apologise to the dabchicks and moorhens!

I chose this photo because it gives a good all round impression of the place - there were other more scenic ones with beautiful reflections and graceful ducks and Canada geese, but this is what you are getting today! I'm sure there will be more as I try to go there several times each week to see what has changed and what else I can discover. It's lovely to get to know a place so well and, as you know, when you are blipping there is so much more to see!

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