The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Alarm - Deactivated

Bloody shattered, I hate days when I can't grab a cheeky rest in a darkened corner... Been up and moving non-stop since 6.50am! (It was meant to be bang on 6 but my alarm was obviously feeling generous). I don't know how I'm ever going to manage a real job in the future when I have to grow up!

Anyway, the alarm has now been switched off altogether, and when I wake up tomorrow it will be because I need to pee I am fully rested and ready for a wedding-free Friday! In all honesty I am pleased for the happy couple-to-be but I won't be watching their wedding shenanigans on the box. The one thing I will say though, is a HAYOOGE thank you for my Friday off... Much appreciated guys! :D

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