Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos

Wedding Belles

Funny old day today, full of ups and downs and ending with a wedding reception.

My oldest and bestest friend in the world Sarah came to visit with an invite to a wedding reception, so me and Lily headed into Manchester again so I could get a new frock...which I did...2 in fact!

All dolled up we had a really good time, caught up with lots of faces from the past...I was missing SS and had a bit of a wobble when Tracy Chapman's Fast Car came on at the end of the night! But everything turned out alright in the end and as I'm blipping on Monday night I can report that I've just come back from a wonderful, loved filled day with the man himself.

There were a lot of nice photos on Sarahs camera - we reckon she has a 'look good' filter but I haven't got copies of them yet so I'm afraid the blip is me in the ladies loos....sneakily taking a pic and a little unsteady on my feet *hic*

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