Watt's Up?

By lindee

Election Day in Canada!

This is our 3rd election in 5 years! I thought minority governments were supposed to be good, where both sides worked together to give us a well-rounded government, sharing views and policies, but this has not happened in the last 5 years! The Harper Government has run the country as if he had a majority government and the opposition has let him! I would like to see a government that was responsible for its actions and maybe had more referendums on important issues! We should have a say on untendered airplanes purchases that we are buying without engines and $1.2 billion spent on G8/G20 meetings where the police stood back and let rioters destroy downtown Toronto and arrest peaceful demonstrators and make fake lakes for photo ops! Such a waste of money and makes us look bad to the rest of the world! We even lost our seat on the UN Security Council...first time ever! We need a government that represents the people, who is fair, listens, and follows through with good legislation that helps, not harms!

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