Capital adventures

By marchmont

Tintin and Snowy

The kilted Belgian! When I was a child we used to watch the cartoon adventures of the boy detective on the tv, always preceded by the booming American voice denunciating 'Herge's Adventures of Tintin'. Of course it's 'tungtung' in French and 'Herge' was the pen name of Georges Remi (his initials backwards are 'err jay' - Herge! - thanks to Wikipedia for that nugget). Seems to me this Tintin is a bargain at £499 and I'd buy it - if I still lived in my house in France and not in my top floor Marchmont flat!

I swam today - day 1 of the new resolution and I walked and had my spine pushed!

The sun shone, eventually, but it was chilly in the wind.

I also cooked - from scratch. Haven't done that for a while. Must mean something.

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