Capital adventures

By marchmont

blip, blip, blip, blip

ended up back blipping till 4 a.m. Means I have back blipped 444 entries right back to when we first got a digital camera. My earliest back blip is here 10 March 2007. Over 4 years of memories and covering one of the most dramatic and emotional times of my life. So it was interesting looking back on all these significant moments - buying La G, leaving Inverurie, moving to France, all the improvements we made in the garden and the house, well I made really, trying to create a home and a family life for someone who'd decided they didn't want to be there, wanted to be somewhere else, sunnier and south of the equator. Then being forced to move back to the UK and the excitement of the rtw trip and lastly getting used to living in Edinburgh again, and enjoying it, after 35 years away - a lifetime (and 4 years longer than G's one). Brought back all sorts of emotions and memories but I'm glad I did it, a visual record to go along with my La G and Capital Adventures blog and my personal diary - wow all that recording.

So I'm a real candidate for NLS manuscripts and memory boxes. I spent a couple of hours there this afternoon hearing about their resources for Family History. it is such an amazing place and we are so lucky to have it. When I was last a member(74/75!) the impression was they didn't want the public in the building. Now it's completely different and of course so much is available on-line.

After the workshop and the tour I sat in the coffee bar and read to-night's SBC Book Club book - 240 pages in 90 minutes, not bad. It was Helen Dunmore's 'Blue Eyed Boy' and it provoked much discussion - score 6.5. Also crossed the road to the Central Library (another great place) and collected my Thailand Lonely Planet - not long now.

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