False commute

Commuting isn't something you need to worry about when working from home. However on a day like this when Steven sets of for his bike ride to Kirkwall I kind of wish I had somewhere to go to that meant I had an excuse to take to my wheels.

So, as Steven was going in slightly later this morning I decided to accompany him half way. A glorious day saw us set off happily chatting as we pedalled - until we got to the top of the hill and he suddenly cranked up the pace. I didn't realise I had signed up for a race!

Boy does he move fast. I was working my legs as fast as they could make those pedals turn, whereas he was meandering along as if there was no effort involved. Fair enough he's on a skinny tyred road machine and mine's more of an all-rounder but really it's just that he's a damn site fitter than me.

I console myself with the fact that I did manage to keep up. I doubt I could have done that a year ago.

The return journey was undertaken at a more leisurely pace and I was able to stop and take some pics. This one was taken at the Mainland end of the first Churchill barrier.

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