
There were several intense little rain storms today, so we were lucky that we dodged them when we went out for a brief foray for Dave to introduce me to the "Figgy", a blipspot much favoured by other blippers.

There were several broods of cootlets who were much in evidence and very photogenic, but I feel they have had their share of the spotlight. There were also young moorhens (looking a lot less spiky than a week ago) and a mallard with ten tiny ducklings skittering about on the weed floating in the pond.

But the stars of the show were the resident swans who had teamed up to shoo off a couple of unwelcome intruders - they went powering around the pond chasing them in all directions, throwing up a considerable bow wave. The correct word is busking apparently, although that means something quite different when I do it. I couldn't get a decent shot with the pursuers and the pursued in the same frame; but evidently by the time anth got down there later on it had all got a lot more close up and personal.

There's a heron in the shade at the far side of the pond. He rose up and flapped away soon after this - presumably irritated by the swans charging about the place and disturbing all the fish.

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