The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Grand Daughter to be......

This is a photo of our Grand daughters lastest scan at minus 20 weeks old, according to the nurses and scanner operators, I say Minus because they say that the Fetus is 20 weeks and two days old, how can they be so accurate????

So it's now a reality, I'm going to be a Grandad, Bluddy hell, at my young age too. Never mind I told my self, if it's a boy at least I can play with he's train set and Scalextric cars, but no, it's going to be a girl, Oh well what are Barbie dolls like nowadays anyhow. Hahahaha.

Mrs BM is like a dog with two tails as we had only lads, my Mom will be over the moon as she had three lads, and I'm well pleased really, as long as she's healthy that's all that matters.

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