Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By cdsvfdcs

Here Comes Oskar!

Wednesday we take Oskar to his playgroup in our neighborhood. This is the last time for us to take him this year. H went to pick him up today, in the rain, (can't see his umbrella) and is way behind Oskar who spied me on the sidewalk with camera and is about to jump in my arms! He gives the best hugs! (but one has to brace oneself...) I know his is a very fuzzy pix - very dark out, high ISO, no time to play with other stops, so I blurred the edges just a bit on purpose. Needs work, I think. But no more time. Oh well.
Opera tonight. Magic Flute.
Looking forward to Bethanne's dog challenge for friday (trying to decide what neighbor dog I'll ask to "pose') AND by then if all goes well, I should have my gold camera! :-)

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