
By Ilaria

DEPARTURE...from the norm and from work!!!!

Yep...totally different kind of shot for me!! But I like it....the circles and lines and layers!! But what I like most is the OTHER departure!! Lol!! From the workplace!!! Ha ha!!

This shot was taken in the stairwell outside my ward! I feel a cheat and a there are some lovely photos of the hospital up in some of the hospital corriders. This is one I particularly liked. And I decided to go take my own version of the same shot!! At least I didn't take a photo OF the photo!! That would really be cheating!! Lol!!

The stairwell has lovely royal blue circular railings and rises several it gives the shot a nice depth!!

Why this today?? Because today I DEPART my work for a glorious 21 day holiday!! One of the few perks of being a nurse and working long, almost 13 hour shifts, is being able to take a fortnight off, but actually end up with 21 days!! VERY blessed!

It's been a stressful few days/weeks/months and I feel I so very much need this long break. Am off back down to the Lake District tomorrow...and cannot wait!!! Yippee!! It's a place of amazing beauty, and photography heaven really. I plan to immerse myself in that beauty....something I also find very healing. I hope to Blip from down there and comment...but it may not always be possible!! But I will try my best!! :-)))

Presently off to bed though, then need to pack.

Take care everyone, and have a great day....


EDIT...what on earth are all the white dots on the blue areas when viewed in large????? Rats!!!!! Is it something to do with my camera's performance in low light??? I SO thought this would look cool large....instead it looks like a polkadot disaster!! They don't appear on the original when I enlarge it!!!

Ah'll have to do! View small, and IMAGINE how cool it might look large!! Lol!!!

Second EDIT!!
I reckon this qualifies for the UP challenge too, eh??!! Yeah!!!

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