a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726


A nice bright day today...a big change from yesterdays cooler temps and clouds.
The apple trees out back are filled with blossoms, more than I can remember any other year. I spotted what I thought was an American Goldfinch, hopping from flower to flower and waited until it stopped long enough to grab a photo! I have now found out that it isn't a goldfinch, but possibly a warbler of some type?? Help me out if you know what it is!! (thanks Betsey!)

Maybe I'll go out for a little hike while Jack is in school today, I could use the fresh air and definitely the exercise!

Jack has been so excited, this Saturday is the Thomas Train ride at the Essex Steam Train Station. I can't wait to see his face when he see's the 'real Thomas' and gets to ride on him!!

Have a great day!!

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