Dolce Dolce, Piano Piano

Evie played her recital piece for me tonight. I really love watching her play the piano.
I really hated playing myself when I was her age. She seems to enjoy it.
I think I just... didn't see eye to eye with my piano teacher. And it's not fun when you're forced to do something instead of loving what you're doing.
(Note to self for any future offspring I may have.)

Dinner at the new Chaba, which I actually loved. Much better than the original which I do not love. (I know, I must be the only person from my hometown not to like the original Chaba. I just feel like I've had better Thai food elsewhere.)

Didn't start packing until 8pm. Yikes. Took a break from packing to go buy books from Barnes and Noble for the trip. Yessssss. Books for leisure. When does that ever happen?

Got **it done today! For Africa and for medical school. Super productive.
Yellow Fever vaccination -- hurt like crazy. (I have a bruise days later.)
Things are in motion for South Sudan. Very exciting..

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