Fly boy

This bird loves chasing and catching flies and insects on the wing...

Even children's poet Jack Prelutsky gets on the poems-about-flies bandwagon. His untitled poem goes:

"Curious fly, Vinegar jug. Slippery edge, Pickled bug."

The Great Crested Flycatcher is a rare sight in our garden. I was thrilled to get a shot after hearing a different song among the chorus of catbirds, busy sparrows and house wrens. He was flitting about mostly in the tree tops, feeding and chasing a mate. I've only photographed one previously and his arrival knocked the catbird out of the blip spot for today.

We're in a possible 10 day rainy period, cool and gray, more like March than May. Our window restoration project is resuming today, the front living room windows on the docket this time. We had expected it would be warm enough to resume since only our storm windows will remain during the re-glazing and rehab project in L's workshop...not so!



For the Record,
This day came in rainy and cool, 43 degrees F, 95% Humidity

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