The way I see it.

By christinePears

Sea shells and Sea Glass in the Sensory Garden

A bit of a wet and windy day that cleared up with the promise of a lovely evening. But then after dinner just as I was ready to go out into the garden it started raining. So posting this photo that I took earlier in the day in the school garden.

We have been busy making mosaics on old bits of Caithness slate to brighten up the pathway under the pergola in the sensory garden. This garden is used for many purposes but our pupils with the highest level of needs enjoy the sensory elements that have been incorporated - aromatic plants and herbs, light and shady areas, murals, wind chimes and lots of dangly things hanging from the pergola. The mosaics are made from things that were all found on the shore - shells, sea glass, feathers, sea weed and pottery fragments worn down at the edges. They are weather proof and so add some textural and visual interest and are a great way to showcase the kids work.

Still exhausted after my super busy weekend so it is a quick chat with my friend in Oregon via the wonders of Skype and then off to bed for an early night!

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