mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Not quite a smile

Suppose he's a bit young for smiling. Love his wee windy smiles though!

Mummy & Logan day today, well Mondays to Wednesdays are 'our' days as Daddy is at work and Aidan is at nursery. I'm quite enjoying our alone time, it's giving me a real chance to get to know Logan better.

We went to the shops together and I managed to buy plenty of things we didn't really need. It was fun though!

Aidan had a wee fall at nursery, poor wee sausage, he's got a scrape on his face. He didn't seem bothered by it though. According to the staff he's been 'very chatty' today. This continued at home tonight. He was really good and ate his dinner tonight. No need for the 'naughty corner', hopefully we're turning a corner.

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