Feathers finer than rubies

Ralph Waldo Emerson

They brought me rubies from the mine,
And held them to the sun;
I said, they are drops of frozen wine
From Eden's vats that run.

I looked again,--I thought them hearts
Of friends to friends unknown;
Tides that should warm each neighboring life
Are locked in sparkling stone.

But fire to thaw that ruddy snow,
To break enchanted ice,
And give love's scarlet tides to flow,--
When shall that sun arise?

Unexpected, a flash of green feathers and red gorget materialized, resting for a nano second on a decorative curvy twig hung on the side of the barn. My lens was focused on the sparrow house, awaiting Mama Sparrow with her mouthful of breakfast for the brood. I saw the bejeweled gent, and reacted. My slow to focus Nikkor 300mm did the job as well as possible for a flashy portrait of Mr. Hummingbird. I of course long to have had it pin-sharp, but I'll accept this private show with pleasure. Sitting here now at the Mac, I gazed over at the table and realized why he came so close. It was pouring and I had my nylon rain sleeve fitted over camera and lens, a sleeve of scarlet, the hue they so dearly love.

Gorget (bird)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like many hummingbirds, the Ruby Throated Hummingbird has an iridescent gorget.
A gorget is a patch of colored feathers found on the throat or upper breast of some species of birds. It is a feature found on many male hummingbirds, particularly those found in North America; these gorgets are typically iridescent. The term is derived from the gorget used in military armor to protect the throat.

Later this afternoon...
Mr. Sharpie

Showing some ruby

P.S. This bird is only about as big as my thumb.
P.P.S His tummy feathers are puffed out due to the cold wet weather.

For the Record,

This day came in wet and stormy, 52 degrees, 96% humidity.

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